To answer these questions, we indexed the skewness on a scale of 0-100 over rolling two-year periods and compared it to the return of the currency versus USD in the subsequent three months (so there’s no look-ahead bias). For example, if the currency option skewness was the most skewed to the downside it had been during the previous two years, the index would have a reading of zero. If the currency option market was the most positively skewed that it had been during the past two years, the index would have a reading of 100. We then broke the results down into deciles and looked at the subsequent three- month performance of the reinvested currency future rolled 10 days prior to expiry from 2008 until early 2019.
Figure 2: Fed’s Tightening Cycle has Returned CHF to Positive Skewness.美联储紧缩货币令瑞士法郎/美元期权的波动率重回正偏斜The Aussie (AUD) and Canadian (CAD) dollars nearly always skew the opposite way. Investors are almost always more concerned that they might suddenly fall versus USD than suddenly rise. The degree of skewness, however, varies with the interest rate differential. From 2007 until 2012, U.S. short-term interest rates were much lower than their Australian equivalents and AUD put options were typically much more expensive than calls. After 2012, the interest rate gap narrowed and recently, for the first time in living memory, went the opposite way, with USD rates exceeding AUD rates. Since the Fed’s tightening cycle got underway, the Reserve Bank of Australia has been easing policy and AUD options markets have shown only a small downside in skewness (Figure 3).
对于永安保险实现百亿元保费目标的措施以及如何激活休眠机构、加强内控管理等,记者致函永安保险,截至发稿未获回复。责任编辑:杜琰 SF007来源:北京科技报网传山东省疾控中心官员试图过量注射胰岛素自杀,虽然济南公安部门给予否认,但作为糖尿病治疗里程碑式成果的胰岛素真会致命吗?